- SQL Procedure are nothing but set of sql statement grouped and perform a specific task. it will give high performance for database
- stored procedure compiled at once it created in database Then after it does not require recompilation before executing unless it is modified and reutilizes the same execution plan
- it is usability of SQL code and re-usability purpose of same kind of operation using twice in our source code
SYNTAX: CREATE PROCEDURE <PROC NAME> AS @param1 <datatype> BEGIN //Code of T-SQL END EXPLAINATION : CREATE PROC <PROC NAME> AS @param1 BIGINT //input param BEGIN CREATE TABLE #TEMP (name VARCHAR(50)) // CREATiNG TEMP TABLE INSERT INTO #TEMP // bulk insert SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE salary > @param // get users from table 1 UNION SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE salary < @param // get users from table 2 SELECT * FROM #TEMP DROP TABLE #TEMP ENDHow to alter stored procedure ?
SYNTAX: ALTER PROCEDURE <PROC NAME> AS @param1 <datatype> BEGIN //code of T-SQL END EXPLAIN : //instead of create we can give alter and we can save changes in sp(STORED PROC) EXPLAINATION : ALTER PROC <PROC NAME> AS @param1 BIGINT //input param BEGIN CREATE TABLE #TEMP (name VARCHAR(50)) // CREATiNG TEMP TABLE INSERT INTO #TEMP // bulk insert SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE salary > @param // get users from table 1 UNION SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE salary < @param // get users from table 2 SELECT * FROM #TEMP ORDER BY name DESC DROP TABLE #TEMP ENDHow to execute stored procedure ?
SYNTAX: EXECUTE <sp_name> @param = 1000 OR EXEC <sp_name> 1000 OR <sp_name> 1000Summary : Stored procedure is reusing the code,performance of execution plan,reduce the traffic of the network sp(STORED PROC) is one of the best way to use in heavy transactions over the network
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