base.php(controller folder) : <?php class base extends CI_Controller { function __construct() /*loading constructor*/ { parent::__construct(); } function you() { $data['name']=$this->name; $data['color']=$this->color; } public function getall() /*loading model*/ { $this->load->model('empl'); $data['query']=$this->empl->employeey(); //loading model function } public function index() { $pageinfo['title']="this is my title"; $pageinfo['heading']="MY HEADING"; $this->load->view('base_view',$pageinfo); $this->getall(); } } ?>
empl.php(model folder) <?php class empl extends CI_Model { function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load->database(); $this->load->library('table'); } function employeey() { $tmpl = array ( 'table_open' => '<table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" width="30%" align="center" bordercolor="#CCCCCC">', 'row_alt_start' => '<tr bgcolor="lightgrey" >', ); $this->table->set_template($tmpl); //$this->db->where('id','3'); //used for where condition $query=$this->db->get('sample'); //used for selecting all the values $header = array('emp id', 'first name'); $this->table->set_heading($header); echo $this->table->generate($query); } } ?>
base_view.php(view folder) create one file name base_view.php in view folder for displaying contents
Database use database name sample set fields-> id(int(4)), name(varchar(50)) in attachment does not contain database u want to create it by using previous instructions
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